Welcome to Dog Breed Infos

My name is Mark and I am the co-founder of Dog Breed Infos, your one-stop shop for Puppies Useful Tips, cross Puppy and Dog information, toy and pet gear reviews.

We love Puppies and all family-friendly dogs – and want your puppy to be a happy healthy, fun-loving member of your family.

love the smiles that our dogs give us, and the happiness and joy we give our puppies by caring for them well!

A few years ago my wife and I were in a position where we could finally have enough time to welcome a new puppy into our family! After much research and preparation, we welcomed our Multigenerational Miniature Labradoodle boy Max into our lives.

We love making videos on our YouTube channel about puppies!

  • Chris (and Max the Labradoodle) have been featured on Morningstar, Embark, Wikipedia, the Good Dog Guide and more!
  • We have thousands of dog lovers on our email list, and our Pinterest is super active.

There is SO much to learn, enjoy and experience about Oodle dog ownership. We have trained our dog, met friendly dogs of all types, and investigated the best techniques, healthcare tips, equipment and toys for our Oodle.

Since Max joined our family we have met (at the dog park mostly) so many amazing puppy parents, and writers who know so much about the Oodle crossbreeds like GoldendoodlesCavapoos, and Bernedoodles.

I wanted to share accurate and well-written information about both Poodle mixes AND all family dogs with the world. I recruited my wife and some of our new friends to help me research and share information.

When not working on this website, I work as a healthcare professional. I have experience with researching and writing accurate and reliable information only referencing the best sources.